The Struggle Is the Skill

The Struggle Is the Skill

2-Minute Read

We can only build skills through hardship.

Patience can only be learned by having to wait a very long time for things.
Dedication can only be learned by continuing through repeated failed attempts.
Resilience can only be learned by pushing through real discomfort.

These are the skills that make great athletes, and great people in general. So when difficult moments come our way (and they will), we’ll want to remember this. Skills are built in these moments - and we get to be grateful for it.



The Concept

We all go through things and challenges that, in the moment, we wish we could change. Whether it is something as simple as a long run that feels worse than usual, or something as big as mental health challenges. It’s tough. It’s uncomfortable. And we ALL wish it away in the moment. 

But the reality is, to become the type of person who is resilient, patient, and dedicated, we must first go through hard times. It's the only way to win the skill. And the resulting skill is something we get to keep for the rest of our lives. It's much more valuable, than foregoing the relatively short term pain. Honestly, cannot stress that enough - having earned a skill will get you through future tough times. That is what we want.

This doesn't mean we should seek out undue hardship, but rather appreciate hardship when it comes our way - because it will.

“Tough times are not just obstacles to overcome—they are building blocks of who we want to become. 

Quote coined by the Long Run Team, just now.



Do We Gain Skills Through Easy Wins?

Easy wins teach us nothing. If success comes too easily, without real effort or struggle, it doesn’t push us to grow. 

Why should we care? Without skills, we cannot win when it truly matters. The things in life that are worth doing, are hard. And that’s okay! It’s our reality that we get to live in. And so, if we want to do the hard things, we have to build the skills required.

And the truth is that easy wins don’t build any of the skills that contribute to long-term growth and success. You don’t learn patience by having everything you want immediately. You don’t learn dedication by hitting goals on the first try. You don’t become resilient without encountering discomfort and pushing through it.

And when things get too easy in our training, career, etc. - we know it’s time to turn it up a notch.



Wrap It Up

So the next time you face a challenge or a tough situation in your training, remind yourself: this is the moment where the skill is being learned. Whether it’s patience, resilience, or dedication, the hardship you’re facing is actually shaping you into the person you want to become.

By embracing this mindset, we set ourselves up for long-term growth, success, and satisfaction. Through consistent effort, the hard moments become part of the process, and those skills you’ve worked so hard to build will carry you through whatever lies ahead.

And with this mindset, we can build a routine we love and train consistently. Because with consistency, we build passion.

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