You Cannot Fail If You Do Not Quit
2-Minute Read
You cannot fail if you do not quit.
Perhaps you’ve heard it before, but this mindset shift can change everything.
In training, in work, and in life, we often think of failure as the end. We miss a goal, fall short of an expectation, or make a mistake, and immediately, we feel like we’ve failed.
But the truth is, failure doesn’t exist. There are only missed attempts.
Missed Attempts Aren’t Failure
In any area of life—running, work, personal growth—failure only becomes real after we’ve missed our goal, and then stop trying. It is the product of quitting our commitment. It is only real if we allow it to be the final word.
The right way: when we miss a goal, we should simply consider it a missed attempt. It’s certainly not the end of the road. If we don’t quit, if we keep moving forward, then a missed attempt isn’t failure. It’s just part of the process.
Missed attempts are stepping stones. They’re a natural part of progress. When we fail to achieve something, it doesn’t mean we are less-than or incapable. It just means we get to try again, approach the problem from a different angle, and adjust. The beauty of this mindset is that it allows us to focus on the effort, not the result, which is how we build passion in the first place.
Passion is Built Through Hard Effort, Not Success
Passion isn’t built during moments of success. It’s built through everything that came before that, which undoubtedly means hard work, missed attempts, and consistently trying again. If success were the only thing that mattered, we’d all give up early in the process. But there’s something inside us that wants to continue, to work hard, and to keep going. It’s innate. And when the temptation to quit arises, it’s our responsibility to continue anyways. We owe it to ourselves.
Missed Attempts are A Gift
When we adopt this mindset, we start to see that every missed attempt is an opportunity to grow. And, better yet, we get to grow in ways that only become available to us after we initially miss our goals. Immediate success teaches us nothing. Setbacks, missed attempts, etc. teach us to be stronger, leaving us with resilience, work ethic, and passion - things more valuable than we can imagine. This is the real beauty of the process.
Final Thoughts
We cannot fail if we don’t quit. Keep going. Keep trying. And with every missed attempt, you’ll take a step towards the type of person you'd like to be.
With this mindset, we can build a routine we love and train consistently. Because with consistency, we build passion.