3 Unexpected Ways to Stay Motivated
2-Minute Read
Motivation is the internal drive that initiates, guides, and sustains goal-oriented behaviors. When our friend, motivation, decides to show up, we’re feeling great… at least for a while. And then motivation isn’t our friend anymore because it ditches us when we need it most.
But that’s okay - we’ve got three mindset shifts that will keep you motivated in a sustainable, long-term way.
1. Realizing that Motivation is Garbage to Begin With
We're cheating with this one.
Motivation is a tricky thing. It comes and goes, changing with every variable imaginable: sleep quality, coffee, the weather…. the position of the moon. Relying on motivation, or even hoping that it shows up, is a tough slap in the face.
The good news is we can totally cut through this by building a habit, and establishing consistency. Motivation follows routine and habit. When we make something a part of our daily lives, it doesn’t require a burst of motivation to get us moving—it just becomes something we do. And habits are materially different to our psychology than any other task - they're much, much easier. Motivation? A thing of the past. So the real way to unlock motivation is to stay consistent. Start small, stick with it, and you'll always be "motivated."
2. One Step at a Time
It's great to see the larger picture. The grand goals are often what bring us to our sport in the first place, and set us on the path towards building a passion. But in the day-to-day grind, the big lofty goal can feel very, very far away. So far away, that it may even feel unrealistic or somewhat impossible. And it can make the daily workouts feel insignificant - like they won't make a difference. But they do! We all know they do. This is just a tough mindset trap.
So the key, then, is to take everything one day at a time. One. Day. At. A. Time. The goal is to get today's job done. Tomorrow... is a project for tomorrow. Don't worry about it. And the great irony, is that not worrying about tomorrow, will set us up for greater success tomorrow.
3. Get Rewarded. More.
Motivation (/ building a habit and then being motivated as a result) is always easier when a positive feedback loop is in place. To put it simply, "I run. I feel happy."
The more ways we can get rewarded by our training, the better. What are all the positive aspects of running? Mental clarity, feeling happy & calm after a run, general health (heart / lungs), friendly and family recognizing you as a runner, feeling accomplished, weight management (if that's your thing), etc. There's probably a lot more positives that come from running than it first seemed like on the surface. So figure out what those are to you, appreciate them, and then keep on runnin'.
Wrap It Up
Staying motivated isn’t about waiting for a burst of energy or inspiration. It’s about building consistency, breaking down big goals into manageable steps, and recognizing the rewards that come from the effort. When motivation is rooted in routine, progress, and rewards, it becomes a natural part of the process—not something we have to chase.
And with this mindset, we can build a routine we love and train consistently. Because with consistency, we build passion.