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What We Remember

5 Minute Read

Straight to the point: the toughest days are the ones we’ll remember.

When you look back on your running career thus far, which season first comes to mind? Which moments of your running?

The most memorable, nostalgia-filled moments of your running career will always be the ones that challenged you the most. The difficult, grueling, work... that you pushed through anyways.

This article is a call to athletes in the Long Run Community to love (or continue loving) the hard, difficult moments.

The Plan Includes Hard

In the world of running (and life, for that matter), challenging days aren’t anomalies.  They’re not exceptions. Hard days are the plan. Athletes understand this... maybe better than anyone.

The moments, days, & weeks, leading up to hard sessions are often characterized by dread. Daunting long runs and back-to-back sessions can lead to feelings uncertainty, nervousness, and stress. It can feel uncomfortable in the moment. 

But here’s the kicker: dread and discomfort can be your tell-tale sign that what you're doing right now, will soon be a nostalgic memory. Because it’s these hard efforts that build the strongest memories and deepest passions. Hard-work moments are the ones we will look back on fondly.

Embrace the Grind

When we look back on our training cycles, it’s not the easy runs that stand out. Make no mistake: easy days are necessary and can always be enjoyed. But we can also appreciate that the grueling days are what we'll remember. They’re the ones we talk about, laugh about, and sometimes groan about with our running buddies.

Think about it: the double-digit mile training runs that left you crawling to the finish, the days you barely made it through back-to-back workouts—those are the experiences that shape our nostalgia. They are where passion is forged and where character is built. These are the days that define our love for running.

Everything is Training: Running & Life

This isn’t just about running. The concept translates to every facet of our lives. The late nights at work, the projects that pushed us to our limits, the moments of high stress and high effort—these are the ones we remember. This is what makes it all worth it. Hard efforts build teams, forge relationships, and shape our lives.

So, the next time you find yourself in the thick of a tough workout or a demanding project, remind yourself: this is where the magic happens. This is where memories are made, where passions are built, and where we look back with pride.

Wrap It Up

Don’t shy away from the hard efforts. Embrace them. Understand that the tough days are not just part of the plan; they are the plan. They are the ones that will stand out in your memory, the ones that will make you look back and say, “Yeah, that was worth it.”

So go ahead—push through the hard days. Know that these moments are the ones that will define your training, your work, and your life. And when you look back, you’ll do so with a sense of nostalgia and satisfaction, knowing you gave it everything you had.

When we do so, we’re enabled to build a routine we love, and train consistently. With consistency, we build passion.

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